So, Welcome to take the test to find out whether you belong to a certain class of human character. Which character is it? you are about to find it at the end of this test. All your confusions will clear out at the end of the test. Hope your stomach is empty before we go into the test. Just Kidding :P
This test was demonstrated by words by a speaker in a recent event that I attended. It piked my curiosity as it was so interesting. And so I decided to perform this test in action with others to see the interesting results.
Right before we go into this test, there are a few things to keep in mind.
First is that you'll need a paper and pen/pencil.
Second is that you follow the steps in proper order and no peeking to the conclusion before finishing the test. Don't go to the next step without finishing the previous one. (Don't be a spoilsport)
Okay, Let us jump into the process.
1. Remember the paper and pen/pencil that I asked for; place it ready before you.
2. Now read the next lines carefully and do it as it is said.
3. Take a relaxing breath and clear your mind free from all thoughts, we are going to do art.
4. Yes, that is what I said "We are doing ART" and that art will give your result.
5. Take the pen/pencil in your hand once you are relaxed and get prepared to draw, don't worry no one is going to validate your drawing.
6. You are going to be asked to draw a few things and do it without second thoughts.
8. So, are you done drawing a farmer? If yes
9. Good, Now DRAW A FIT MODEL.
10. So, if you are reading this. I am hoping you have finished the second one too. That is awesome.
11. That's it your test is over. Now we need to check your result.
The Result of the Test.
So, I had asked you to draw a Farmer and a Model which you have drawn. Applause for your efforts.
If you had drawn a male farmer and female model, "brace yourselves";
You are a Gender Stereotypic Person. What made you draw a male farmer and a female model? Why did it come to your mind first? Why can't a farmer be a female and a model be a male? Why didn't your mind process it until now? Think about it.
If you did the opposite; HATS OFF TO YOU
Yes, that is what this test is all about, whether to find out whether you are a stereotypic person or not. But that isn't something of a crime or a thing to be ashamed of; you belong to the majority of humans that is considered as normal in today. We have been grown like that from childhood by this society, starting from our older generation to the education and media around us. But it can and should be changed. Stereotypes have been planted in our blood for long, it's time we started cleaning it. Gender Stereotypes are a major drawback to the gender equal society. Start thinking on your own than blandly believing in these useless stereotypes.
Hope this test has put your mind to some thought and given it something to think and realise or at least it would have been a new and different experience. Atleast we put an end to this now so that the people in future taking this test would be getting the Hats off.
Start Thinking and Start Breaking Stereotypes.
A Praveen Crypty R Write up
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